Toasting to Two Talented Women


I use the word “we” frequently when referring to the business. Although I’m the sole owner of the Toastworthy, there’s no way I could do this alone. Thanksgiving gave me pause to feel grateful for an amazing year, and I am especially grateful for two talented women entrepreneurs that work along side me to bring Toastworthy to life. So here’s a thank you to Elizabeth and Cindy that roll in the toasts behind the scenes.

Elizabeth has been bringing the Toastworthy brand to life since day one. She’s a graphic designer that designed our website, social content, and writes most of the beautiful copy you read from us. I remember texting Elizabeth in the early days every time we would get a sale. We would exchange long thread of emojis to celebrate. She keeps us looking good, really good if I do say so myself. I rarely give direction or edits because Elizabeth truly embodies the brand. I’m forever grateful that she can bring my ideas to life better than I could have ever imaged.

Owning a business by myself is overwhelming, and it can feel very scary and lonely. My background is in marketing and retail, but I’ve been new to the event industry. I knew I needed someone who knew more than me to show me the way in this new industry. I remember my first call with Cindy feeling fairly overwhelmed questioning if I made the right decision to start a business. I felt immediately relieved talking with her, and knew after a few minutes that Cindy is invaluable. Cindy has many other clients, but I’m amazed at how she treats Toastworthy like it’s her own. She manages all our email correspondents, contracts, invoices, sales strategy and so much more. She’s my day to day operations partner that not only keeps the business moving but also growing.

I wish I had a cute photo of us all working behind the toasts at Toastworthy to share with you. Not only are we a mobile business rolling around in an Airstream, we’ve taken it to a next level. The three of us all work remotely from the Rocky Mountains to sipping sweet tea in the South to towing around the DMV. I’ve actually never met either of them in-person, but their impact and support can be felt across the country. Words cannot express my appreciate for their time and dedication to Toastworthy. I know I would not be where I am today without them, so thank you.

Cheers to these badass women and to many more years of friendship and toasts!

With Love and Toasts,



The Hosting Help Guide


Toasting to Sun Room Vibes